Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Install shot HMSRGB. L-R: QR code (goes to https://www.generativepainting.online/colourclock); 15:5:13/170, 25.5, 59.5, A4 inkjet print framed;  https://www.generativepainting.online/colourclockcontinuous, monitor; sunrise/sunset, April 12th Sydney, acrylic on canvas. 

https://www.generativepainting.online/colourclock takes the time of day as input for a monochrome using RGB colour. It changes colour with the new time when the page is refreshed. https://www.generativepainting.online/colourclockcontinuous is the same except it automatically changes colour every second. 
15:5:13/170, 25.5, 59.5 is a print taken from 3:05:13pm. 
sunrise/sunset, April 12th Sydney gets it's colour from the date, hour, minute of sunrise and sunset on April 12th in Sydney.
