Thursday, April 29, 2021

Studio Install Group Show

Install shot Studio Install Group Show. L-R: Enhance, acrylic on canvas, 507x355. HMSRGB, acrylic on canvas, 305x305. Dulux White, acrylic on canvas, 507x355. Commutativity, acrylic on canvas, 507x355. Evolving Colour, acrylic on canvas, two panels, 305x305mm each. 

This installation has one work either from or based on each of my previous 5 installations. Enhance and Dulux White are each based on the wall paintings previously done, on canvases of the same ratio as the rear wall (but then rotated vertically). Commutativity was painted on after the Commutativity install, and HMSRGB and Evolving Colour are works from those installations hung differently. I considered this installation as a sort of physical remixing of my earlier works produced thus far in this studio.